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Q-Switch Laser

Nowadays, one of the most advanced laser devices among medical aesthetic applications, Q Switch is a method used in the treatment of common pigmented lesions.
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Q Switch, which is a highly effective method of removing aesthetic defects on the skin, can remove almost all defects and color changes on the skin, including acne scars, birthmarks and sunspots. Q Switch laser treatment, one of today's most innovative treatment methods, is considered one of the safest methods to get rid of undesirable blemishes or color changes on the skin.

Q switch laser treatment, which is applied only to the areas with blemishes, does not harm surrounding tissues. Since anesthetic cream is applied before the application, pain is not felt during the session. As for the duration of the sessions, the application area and the skin structure of the patient are decisive. You can also read this article to get a detailed answer to the question "What is a Q Switch laser?", and contact us to have information about appointments and prices.

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Arzu Çolak

Ich wurde am 20.3.2021 vom Lieblingsarzt Dr. Yücel Sarialtin operiert. Sehr sympathisch sehr professionell. Der Aufenthalt im Krankenhaus sehr gut danke an alle 1 Woche später bin ich zurück nach Deutschland geflogen. Jede Woche bin ich mit der Assistentin Yagmur in Kontakt. Vor Ort und danach sogar jetzt noch kümmern sie sich sehr um mich. Was besseres konnte mir nicht passieren. Ich bin so froh und würde auch für die nächste OP wieder dahin fliegen. Bester Arzt ❤️ bestes Team❤️ Bis bald

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Silia Lilia

Je tiens à remercier mon docteur, le dr Yucel pour son magnifique travail❤️ une équipe vraiment au top qui fait attention aux moindres détails soit à l’hôpital comme à la clinique, venant de France j’étais très bien accompagnée avec l’adorable guzdi qui m’a tres bien accueilli et tout expliquer et me rassurer surtout je suis très satisfaite du mon résultat même si ce n’est pas le résultat final. Love you my doctor

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I got surgery one month ago. I had BBL and liposuction done. I can highly recommend the doctor and also his assistant Sevgi. She looked after me lovingly and was there for me at all times and always answered all my questions. I was in the hospital one night and was completely satisfied. Thank you for making this big step as pleasant as possible for me!

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Elif Sena Kelleci

Er ist eine toller und einfühlsamer Arzt mit mega viel Erfahrung. Er nimmt sich super viel Zeit für die Beratung und hört einem genau zu. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin ist auch nach der Behandlung bei Fragen oder Unsicherheiten immer erreichbar. Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Mit meiner OP bin ich mehr als zufrieden. Ich habe eine Bauchdeckungstraffung machen lassen und eine Fettabsaugung. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin und sein Team waren immer für mich da! Danke an das ganze Team. Die Klinik und die Leitung durch den Arzt ist sehr kompetent und genau. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin hat alles was ein guter Arzt braucht und hat außerdem noch eine außerordentlich Top Persönlichkeit. Ich bin so glücklich dass ich diese Klinik gefunden habe. Kompliment in allerhöchster Form! Zuvorkommend, kompetent und höchst professionell. Mehr kann man nicht erwarten. Ich kann es jedem nur empfehlen!!

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Ubeyd Celepci

Just came to Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın the second time and was completely amazed and stunned to see his great work!! I am extremely thankful!

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Şule Yıldırım Koca

1 maand geleden ben ik geopereerd door Op. Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın, wat een spontane man en een super aardige team ! Nu al heel er blij met mijn Resultaat. Ik wil hun hier nogmaals bedanken TOP TEAM zijn jullie

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What is a Q Switch Laser?

Q Switch, which is an advanced technology product, shoots much faster and stronger when compared to standard laser devices. Owing to that, it does not harm other tissues. Because the shot is fast and powerful, there is no heat escape towards the environment and the laser accuracy is directly on the target area. Q Switch pulse duration is approximately one millionth of a second. It is possible to get rid of age blemishes and sunspots with Q Switch. At the same time, birthmarks and tattoos can be removed with the Q Switch.

Q Switch technology, applied with maximum efficiency, is a lot more effective in removing pigments than multi-pulse devices. Since the procedure is performed with a single blow, risks such as tissue change or bleeding are also minimized. Q Switch, which is a single device, has 4 different wavelengths and the wavelengths are adjusted according to the condition of the blemishes on the patient's skin. Before starting the Q Switch treatment, the patient should be examined by a specialist doctor and should be informed about the process.

What Purposes is Q Switch Used For?

Q Switch is one of the most preferred methods for the treatment of stains on the skin and the removal of undesirable tattoos. In addition to all these, it is possible to treat age blemishes, sunspots, birthmarks and freckles with the Q switch. In addition, the following operations can be performed with the Q Switch laser application:

  • Tattoo removal,
  • Skin rejuvenation and toning application due to increasing the amount of collagen in the body,
  • Treatment of toenail fungus,
  • Problems around the eyes
  • Pigment lesions,
  • Acne treatment,
  • The Carbon Peel,
  • Tightening of pores,
  • Removal of wrinkles.

In addition, the Q Switch laser is a very effective method for hair bleaching. Moreover, after the hairs are bleached, there is no stain left on the skin. Although hair bleaching is a non-permanent method, results can be seen from the first session. Those who have Q Switch laser hair bleaching in the face, arms, chest and back areas can repeat the procedure at intervals of 5 to 6 weeks. There is no harm in repeating the process at these intervals.

Blemish Treatment with Q Switch

Standard laser methods used for blemish treatment all over the world create heat in the area, causing burning and thus skin problems. However, this is not the case for Q Switch laser blemish treatment. In other words, while effective results are obtained, tissue damage does not occur. In addition, side effects are negligible and occur rarely.

Before the Q Switch laser blemish treatment to be applied, an anesthetic cream is applied after the skin is completely cleaned. However, there is no such requirement for some patients. Treatment of blemishes on the skin is carried out with 1 or 3 sessions of approximately 15 to 20 minutes. After the application, the skin is completely renewed and the results are seen in approximately 6 months. Wrinkles formed after laser treatment will disappear on their own in a short time and there will be no irritation or scarring in the area.

Thanks to the Q Switch method, age blemishes and sunspots that cannot be treated with cream and that occur due to increased melanocyte can also be treated. In addition to all these, the treatment of acne blemishes and birthmarks is also possible with Q Switch. When stain treatment is performed together with carbon peel, the results will be much more effective.

Tattoo Removal with Q Switch

Tattoos made with great desire or enthusiasm, loss of that excitement after a certain point, or different reasons can also be distressing. Although it was not possible to remove tattoos in the past, people often had to cover these tattoos with other tattoos, but nowadays it has become possible to completely get rid of these tattoos with the Q Switch method.

Tattoos with different colors can be removed quickly and effectively thanks to the 4 different wavelengths of the Q Switch device. With the applied Q Switch laser blemish treatment, the dye under the skin is fragmented and divided into very small pieces. Over time, these dyes are removed from the body through the lymph circulation. In addition, the production of collagen in the body is increased with the Q Switch laser tattoo removal process. Thus, it becomes possible for the body to have a much smoother, younger and healthier appearance.

The success of the Q Switch method in tattoo removal has been proven by the applications carried out so far. As a matter of fact, the positive Q Switch laser tattoo removal comments made by those who have benefited from the application also show this.

Advantages of the Q Switch Method

The main advantage of the Q Switch laser method is to get rid of undesirable aesthetic defects and achieve the desired appearance. Other prominent advantages of the Q Switch laser are:

  • It is a reliable application that does not contain any risk,
  • Even if anesthetic creams are not applied, the pain felt is minimal,
  • It tightens the skin and prevents sagging.
  • It prevents unwanted hair growth and helps bleaching of hairs,
  • It ensures the destruction of dead skin cells,
  • It makes the skin look much younger and increases the self-confidence of the people,
  • It completely and permanently destroys acne scars, making the appearance much smoother.

In addition to physical defects, it is possible to eliminate psychological and social problems caused by skin blemishes with the Q Switch method. The miraculous laser beams of the Q Switch method actually help move your social life to a very good point. In order to have a deeper idea about this treatment method, you can meet with those who have had Q Switch laser and examine their comments.

What Should Be Considered After Having Q Switch?

As after many laser applications, after the Q Switch application, the area where the operation is performed becomes sensitive depending on the heat energy and laser beams. In order to avoid sunspots, especially in the first 24 hours after the treatment, direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided. This is valid for tattoo removal using the Q switch method and all other skin rejuvenation applications.

Since the hot weather in the summer reduces the success of the application, those who have a Q Switch laser usually prefer the winter season. In summer applications, it is recommended to apply cold compresses or use anti-burn creams. In addition, using sunscreen creams will prevent the formation of sunspots. If you would like to get a comprehensive answer to the question "What does the Q Switch laser do?" and to be informed about the appointment and treatment processes, you can contact us right now.

Are There Any Side Effects of the Q Switch Method?

It is possible to talk about some rare side effects in the Q Switch application, which is one of the most effective methods for skin blemishes. However, if the doctor's recommendations are strictly followed, the probability of encountering these side effects is extremely low. Although slight redness may occur in the area after the procedure, these will go away on their own in a short time. On the other hand, if the Q Switch is to be applied to the tattoo removal process, it is possible to feel a little more pain than usual. However, it is still not at an intolerable level. Very rarely, temporary edema formation can be observed in some patients.

As a result, there is no major side effect in the Q Switch application, and these side effects are rather weak compared to the benefits of the Q Switch laser. In addition, although it is possible to encounter wound development, bruising or blisters after high doses and long-term treatments, these can be treated in a short time with doctor's interventions and recommendations. The doctor will give you detailed information about the side effects of the laser before the application.

How Many Sessions Does Q Switch Take?

There are many factors that determine the number of Q Switch sessions. Some of these are skin color, wavelength or the condition of the blemish on the skin. But to have an average figure, between 4-8 sessions is ideal. Many more sessions may be required to remove tattoos which are spread over a wide area of the body and contain multiple colors. Longer sessions increase the risk of side effects. Therefore, first of all, your doctor should make the necessary examination. As a result of the examination, you will be informed about the possible results and a treatment program will be made for you.

It is recommended to leave an average of 5-6 weeks between sessions in order to avoid burns on the skin or to avoid any side effects. This period may vary depending on the condition of your skin.

What You Need to Know About Q Switch?

Although the above information is sufficient to have information about Q Switch treatment, some patients may want to get shorter and clearer answers. These short and clear answers can be listed as follows:

  • Pain or suffering is minimal in laser treatment,
  • It is an FDA-approved system used all over the world,
  • In line with patient demands, anesthetic cream can be applied for a more comfortable treatment process,
  • For Q Switch, winter season is more suitable instead of summer,
  • It is an extremely reliable procedure and does not pose any threat to health,
  • It is shown as one of the most effective methods that can be preferred for blemish treatment and smooth skin,
  • The successes achieved with Q Switch are at a level that cannot be compared with cream treatment,
  • If you do not take a shower or be exposed to direct sunlight immediately after the treatment, no wound or irritation is observed.
  • While there is no guarantee for every tattoo, one hundred percent deletion can be guaranteed for quite a lot tattoos.

Q Switch has started to become widespread in our country as one of the most preferred medical aesthetic applications in recent years. As for the prices of the Q Switch application, many factors such as the size of the application area, the number of sessions and so on cut in. Therefore, in order to get a clear price, first of all, a specialist doctor examination is required. If you want to get information about this treatment method, inquire about Q Switch price information and make an appointment, you can contact us through our communication channels.

Last Update : 22.10.2023