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Laser Capillary Treatment

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Laser varicose vein treatment is a treatment method for veins which negatively affect both body health and aesthetic appearance. Problems in veins are more common in women. At the same time, men can also face vein issues. Laser varicose vein treatment can be more advantageous if it is detected in earlier stages.

Vein issues may be in invisible levels. In cases where the problems advance, a wide spread of capillary vessels can be seen on the skin surface. The discomfort can appear for different reasons. Genetic factors can cause capillary issues. It is important to benefit from professional applications in order for the problems to be fully solved.

If laser capillary vein treatment is not applied, aesthetic problems may also start to increase. The harmful effects should be eliminated by intervening in a short time in the problems. If treatment is not done, capillary rupture may be seen. The problems that occur in the capillaries are generally seen in the face and legs. In addition, the need for laser capillary vein treatment may also manifest itself in different parts of the body. In people with fair skin, the situation can be detected

Capillary vessels can cause the skin to become overly sensitive. As a result of the problems arising, redness and blemishes can be seen on the face. People can be adversely affected by the effects seen on the face. Laser capillary vessel treatment can fulfill all expectations.

Number of Sessions :
2 - 4 Sessions
Operation Duration :
30 Minutes
Season :
Except Summer
Hospitalisation :
Sensitisation Process :
1 Day
Return to Work Period :
Anaesthesia :
Local Anesthesia
Permanence of Results :
1 Year

How Varicose Vein Treatment is Done?

The most effective answer to the question of "How is varicose vein treatment done?" is the laser technique. In the past, electric burning was used to solve varicose vein problems. The method was only effective on small veins.

With the advancing technology, the use of laser method has significantly facilitated its applications. Special device is used to achieve results in short time during the treatment process. Facial vessels present around the nose sides can be treated in a single session depending on the individual characteristics. Laser beams concentrate their energy on the vessels in the point of application. Energy is transferred to the vessels through laser capillary treatment.

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Niran Demetoğlu

Hello everyone I'm from Belgium I came to Turkey last week to do mummy Makeover with Dr.Yücel I am very satisfied from the service thank you all

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I got surgery one month ago. I had BBL and liposuction done. I can highly recommend the doctor and also his assistant Sevgi. She looked after me lovingly and was there for me at all times and always answered all my questions. I was in the hospital one night and was completely satisfied. Thank you for making this big step as pleasant as possible for me!

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Silia Lilia

Je tiens à remercier mon docteur, le dr Yucel pour son magnifique travail❤️ une équipe vraiment au top qui fait attention aux moindres détails soit à l’hôpital comme à la clinique, venant de France j’étais très bien accompagnée avec l’adorable guzdi qui m’a tres bien accueilli et tout expliquer et me rassurer surtout je suis très satisfaite du mon résultat même si ce n’est pas le résultat final. Love you my doctor

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Şule Yıldırım Koca

1 maand geleden ben ik geopereerd door Op. Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın, wat een spontane man en een super aardige team ! Nu al heel er blij met mijn Resultaat. Ik wil hun hier nogmaals bedanken TOP TEAM zijn jullie

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Jihane Zaroual

I can only recommend dr.sarialtin and his team, his work is very good and the aftercare as well. His assistant Nagham was there for me every step of the way.

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Seda Ceviz

I had surgery 2 weeks ago by Dr Yucel Sarialtin. I have been to almost every doctor in Istanbul, but this doctor is so spontaneous and gives so much attention to his patient, I immediately felt good. I've had a Tummytuck 360 Lipo and BBL! What a great result I couldn't have imagined it better! Dear people please find the right doctor!!! Because I also had the same operation in 2019, but this doctor mutilated me, and Yucel Sarialtin had to correct this again, which of course makes the operation more difficult. I recommend this doctor 100%! & of course his team also lots of kisses to Buse Bayram Aysegul who helped me through this period

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The clogged blood can be easily cleared by the energy absorbed by the vessels. Thus, the vessels unable to store blood are improved and freed from bad looks. With laser capillary vein treatment, the skin tissue is nourished and other possible problems are prevented. The capillary vein rupture treatment can be completed without any problems.

The normal flow of blood in veins is also eliminated, along with aesthetic concerns. The laser thread vein treatment is used to meet the needs of patients, with energy created by the device. The method is highly efficient due to its results and is preferred by many people. It also draws attention with its permanence.

Before Laser Vein Treatments, What Needs to Be Done

The first examination by specialists before laser vein treatment is very important. Based on the controls, the applications to be made are determined. In addition, taking into account the conditions of the individuals, what needs to be taken into account before the procedures is communicated to the patients.

Directions given for vein treatments must be definitely taken into consideration. It is also very important for patients to inform the medical experts about the medications and the foods they are consuming along. Especially blood thinning medications may have negative effects on laser vein treatments. Since the procedure is intended to widen the veins, taking blood thinning medications before treatment is necessary.

Before starting the treatment, people should pay attention to the sunlight. If the rays come directly onto the skin for a long time, it can cause the veins to burst. Both during treatment and in regular life, it is necessary to protect from harmful sunlight. Skin cleansing is a critical point for the correct result of capillary treatment. In addition, it must be ensured that the care products used do not harm health. The start steps of laser capillary treatment are shared with patients containing all the necessary information. This way, the application is implemented smoothly.

How Many Sessions does Laser Vein Therapy Take?

The number of sessions required for the treatment depends on various factors. Factors that typically determine the duration of laser vein therapy include:

  • The patient's age
  • Vascular density
  • Overall health status
  • Vessel diameter

The number of sessions that the treatment will take is determined by experts after the investigations are done. Depending on the conditions of the provided capillary laser treatment, it may last between 2 to 4 sessions. Also, if necessary, the number of sessions can be increased or decreased accordingly.

The application is a treatment method that takes quite a short time thanks to the laser. Sessions last between 30-45 minutes on average. Depending on the obtained results, it is determined whether new sessions are needed or not. The response of the people to the treatment is important in order to determine the number of sessions. At the same time, the images seen in the areas where the laser capillary treatment will be applied will precisely determine the treatment time.

If the expected result is not achieved with laser vascular treatment, the number of sessions can be increased. The skin structure as well as the person's health condition can affect the process. In some cases, one session is enough. However, it may take a little time to restore severely affected vessels to their original state.

The biggest advantage for people who apply for the treatment method is that the method provides a definite result regardless of the session duration. Patients who have their needs met through effective laser spider vein treatments are highly satisfied. Those who have spider vein treatment done can review the comments to see the benefits of the results.

Post-Laser Vein Therapy Precautions That Must Be Taken

Those undergoing laser vein therapy should be very careful to adhere to the instructions provided by experts. The drugs used prior to treatment must also be taken with caution afterwards. Blood-thinning drug users must not use the medication for a minimum of 10 days, provided they are under the doctor's supervision.

It is also important not to use substances similar to alcohol such as cigarettes after laser capillary treatment. At the same time, special care must be taken to protect from the sun's rays for a week. Depending on the intensity of the applied treatment, the required time may vary. Careful approaches are determined by experts in cases where personalized procedures are performed.

Following a laser treatment for varicose veins, having a balanced and regular diet is among the key points. At the same time, sleeping pattern should also be adjusted. This helps in maintaining the overall body health. Especially, maintaining the sleep pattern at night positively affects the vein structure. Regular follow-up check-ups should not be overlooked to maintain and widen the veins. This also makes it easier for the physicians to give recommendations according to the progress made. This phase of post-laser vein therapy provides a decision point on whether or not an additional session is required. It must not be forgotten that there may be differences in what is to be done due to the treatments being individualized.

What are The Side Effects of Laser Vein Treatment?

Upon examination of the procedures carried out, no serious side effects have been seen. It is natural for swelling and redness to occur on the skin as a result of the laser vein treatment. However, the effects do not last for a long time. Over time, they will naturally begin to pass.

If the redness and swelling of the side effects of vein treatment do not pass for a long time, it is necessary to consult with experts. Also, the rate of side effects is dependent on the doctor's experience. The efficient operation of the application helps to quickly prevent any potential bad conditions. Laser capillary vein treatment procedures are both simple and very effective.

All questions can be answered before and after treatment. If the skin structure is not suitable for treatment, first different treatments must be done for skin ailments. Also, laser capillary treatment is applied with thermal energy. It is normal to feel a very mild pain due to the heat that emerges. In capillary treatment, pain is tried to be kept at the lowest level. The presence of the cooling head of the device ensures that the pain is greatly relieved.

This particular method used for treating facial spider veins alongside the legs does not force the patients at any point. Topical anaesthetic creams are applied to the treatment areas as a precaution in any case. Thanks to the cream, laser treatment of spider veins can be done in a highly comfortable way.

In order for the application to be carried out easily, the characteristics possessed by the individuals are guiding. As a result of the examinations, it is clearly determined who the application can be made to. It is important for your health that the experts are provided with the right information. Information that has been missed to be mentioned before the process can be harm to patients. Various tests are completed beforehand for laser capillary vein therapy.

Who can Have Laser Vein Treatment?

There is no limitation for laser vein treatment. It can be applied to people of any age. Men can benefit from the procedure in addition to women. The general health condition of the persons is the most important factor for the process to be performed. It is essential for those who want to have laser vein treatment on their face to have a good general health condition. Additionally, in order for the treatment to be applied, individuals must not have skin diseases such as eczema. Patients with epilepsy and pregnant women cannot benefit from the applications. Similarly, laser vein treatment cannot be used for patients with heart diseases.

Just like in the face, certain tests are also done for varicose vein treatment in the leg. For varicose vein complaints, one should consult specialized doctors. During examination, blood tests and ultrasound imaging procedures are also done. According to the results, it will be determined if laser varicose vein treatment is suitable. Treatment methods are determined according to the health condition of the patients and application is moved to the phase. Patients undergoing treatment are extremely happy due to the effects of the application. Patients should also be aware that results are achieved in shorter periods of time compared to thin veins in thick veins.

Prices of Laser Varicose Vein Treatment

The prices of laser treatment of varicose veins in the face and legs are determined according to the needs of individuals. The number of sessions taken will have an effect on the pricing. Also, the type of treatment to be used is determinative. The experts' experiences are also taken into consideration for the prices of varicose vein treatments on the face and legs. There may also be price differences among clinics. Taking advantage of apps only because their prices are low can bring forth different problems. Doing a thorough research before making a decision directly enhances the effects of the application.

Those who have received treatment for facial vascular treatments can help people make decisions by sharing their reviews. All patients who have the procedure performed act with the benefits of the patients in mind. For the most effective results, laser vascular treatments are carried out carefully. The accessible levels of prices also make the patients happy. Laser vascular treatments are preferred in a very intense way due to the positive contributions they have made. To access detailed information, all you have to do is get in touch with the clinic. All factors are examined in detail and the necessary arrangements are made depending on the advantages of the patients.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Vein Treatment

How Many Sessions does Laser Vein Treatment Take?

Depending on the individual's skin type, the number of sessions may vary. Generally, 2 to 4 sessions are sufficient.

After Laser Vein Treatment, When does the Redness go Away?

Redness is not usually severe after laser vein treatment. Mild redness usually fades away within a few days.

Is Laser Vein Treatment Permanent?

Laser therapy provides positive results in treating varicose veins. The resulting permanence is one of the causes of satisfaction for a considerable amount of time.

Last Update : 25.10.2023