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Hollywood Spectra Laser Carbon Peeling

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Hollywood Spectra, a Q-switched laser device, performs carbon-based soft peel and carbon peel. The carbon peel with Hollywood Spectra, which is used to clean the blemishes on the skin and to give the skin a youthful appearance, is extremely effective in the treatment of both dermal melasma and epidermal melasma. With Hollywood Spectra laser, a new generation technology, much more effective and results are obtained compared to traditional medical aesthetic applications. Depending on the doctor's decisions or the condition of the patients, the applications can be repeated at intervals of 1.5 to 2 years. It is an extremely fast process, with each session taking approximately 20 minutes.

With the device, which has different modes such as Q Switch and Gold Toning, formations such as acne or scars can also be removed. The wavelengths sent from the device during treatment have high hemoglobin absorption, and the pulses of the wavelengths are also short. The carbon peel with Hollywood Spectra, which is described as the exact solution of skin lesions, also helps to improve problems such as abnormal tissue or vascular structure observed around the lesions. So what is a carbon peel, what does it do and what are its advantages?

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Silia Lilia

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Jihane Zaroual

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What is a Carbon Peel?

The Hollywood Spectra device, which is used all over the world for many different purposes, especially carbon peel, has four wavelengths and can serve many different purposes with its dual operation mode. The most common treatments with carbon peel are the removal of tattoos of different colors and the treatment of melasma. Other processes that can be done with carbon peel are as follows:

  • Dermal/epidermal pigment treatment,
  • Tightening of enlarged pores,
  • Balancing the skin tone,
  • Hair bleaching process,
  • Treatment of nail fungus,
  • Ote nevus,
  • Removal of facial acne and acne scars.

The effects of carbon peel, which is extremely effective in stain treatment, can be observed in a short time. With the Hollywood Spectra carbon peel device, which can be applied to every skin type, it is possible to use it for more than one skin problem at the same time. Carbon peel with Hollywood Spectra, which is a process that is usually applied in the winter season, is recommended to use sunscreen when applied in the summer season. If you want to get a comprehensive answer to the question of "how to apply carbon peeling?" or make an appointment with our specialist doctors, you can contact us.

Features of Hollywood Spectra Device Used for The Carbon Peel

The Hollywood Spectra carbon peel device is a technology that has been clinically proven worldwide. It has proven its validity with the effective results it has given. Also, the Q-Switch Laser is the first FDA-approved technology in the treatment of melasma. The device, which has 4 wavelengths, has two different operating modes. It has double pulse mode, Single Pulse and Quick PTP. It has features such as automatic calibration and self-restoration. In addition to all these, the features of the Hollywood Spectra device are as follows: Memory buttons that allow programming, ergonomic design, adjustable guide beam, high peak power and straight beam profile.

Carbon peel, which has high patient satisfaction rates; It is an application that increases its popularity day by day with features such as laser peel, gold peel and gold toning. If you want to get answers to questions such as "what does carbon peel do?" or "what effects does carbon peel have?" and you have doubts about the application, you can get information about the effective results of the application by contacting those who have carbon peel directly.

Hollywood Spectra Device Modes and The Carbon Peel Application Areas

The most frequently used device modes in carbon peel application with Hollywood Spectra device are soft peel and gold toning. The features and usage areas of these modes are as follows:

Soft Peel

Skin rejuvenation treatment is applied in soft peel mode and carbon-based spectra lotion is used for this. This mode, which is also used in the treatment of dermal or epidermal melasma, removes abnormally dispersed melanin in the epidermis area. It is possible to combine this treatment method performed in Q-Switch mode with Laser Toning.

Gold Toning

With Gold Toning, which is an effective mode for cleaning skin blemishes, inflammatory acne and acne scars, redness caused by post-acne or different reasons, PIH, melasma and many other skin blemishes can be treated. In this treatment, the wavelength is determined as 585 nm with high hemoglobin absorption and short pulses are performed.

What Purposes Is The Carbon Peel Used For?

With the Hollywood Spectra device, carbon peel can be applied to treat almost all blemishes on the skin. Details such as the conditions that can be treated with carbon peeling and how the process is applied are briefly as follows:

Tattoo Removal

The dyes under the skin are divided into very small pieces with the Hollywood Spectra carbon peel device and are absorbed by the body. Amateur tattoos can be removed in 4 to 6 sessions, while professional tattoos can be removed in 6 to 10 sessions. Session times can vary from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

Hair Bleaching

Thin and light-colored hairs cannot be caught by laser epilation devices. Thanks to the Q Switched Nd Yag Laser application, these hairs become weaker, thinner and yellower. For the application to be successful, 1 session per month is sufficient until the required result is achieved. Session times are approximately 15 minutes.

Blemish Treatment

Peeling helps to clean many blemishes on the skin. These blemishes, which are cleaned with carbon peel, include sun blemishes, birthmarks, brown blemishes, melasma blemishes or blemishes caused by aging. With Hollywood Spectra, the melanin pigments that cause blemishes are broken down and the required appearance is achieved on the skin. Although the number of sessions varies from person to person, the session duration is between 15 and 30 minutes on average.

Acne Treatment

With the Hollywood Spectra carbon peel device, it is possible to clean the inflammations in the acne areas in order to relieve the skin. The number of sessions and the duration of the sessions vary according to the condition of the acne.

Skin Rejuvenation

Thanks to the powerful carbon peel technology called Q Switch Nd Yag Laser, the amount of collagen in the body is increased and the skin has a youthful appearance. In addition, skin elasticity is increased by correcting wrinkles and skin tone differences. The number of sessions is determined after the doctor's examination and each session lasts an average of 20 to 30 minutes.

Skin Tone Unevenness

In peeling applications, it is aimed to remove melanin pigmentation from the skin. This can be done very effectively with Hollywood Spectra. A 20 to 30 minute session per month is enough. In addition, the comments of those who have carbon peel are that skin tone unevenness are completely eliminated with Hollywood Spectra.

Pore Tightening

It is possible to tighten the pores with Hollywood Spectrum, a skin care application. Thus, the skin becomes much smoother and tighter. 1 session per month is enough and sessions last approximately 20 to 30 minutes. In addition, the effects of carbon peel before and after can be seen immediately after the application.

In addition to all these, Hollywood Laser Peel, which is a care application that works for all skin types, is also an application that can be done with the Hollywood Spectra device. You can read the rest of the article to get detailed information about the before and after effects or the benefits of carbon peeling.

Advantages of The Carbon Peel

Hollywood Spectra, the carbon peel device that provides effective and permanent solutions to skin problems, is a clinically proven product that has received FDA approval. This carbon peel device, which is an innovative technology, does not require hospitalization of the patients and can be applied easily and quickly. Moreover, patients can return to their daily life immediately after carbon peel and do not experience the side effects of other aesthetic applications. In other words, carbon peel is a method that does not come with its harms, but rather with its benefits. It is considered by many experts as the last point of peeling processes.

Since carbon peel is an extremely short procedure, patients do not need to take a break from their work or social life all day long. Each session is completed within minutes. You can say goodbye to skin problems permanently with the Hollywood Spectra carbon peeling device, which has the power to remove acne scars and light blemishes on the skin in a short time.

How is The Carbon Peel Applied?

While carbon peeling removes the blemishes on the skin, it also keeps the patient comfort at the maximum level. Since no serious pain is felt, there is no need to apply any anesthetic cream. Before the application, the area to be peeled is thoroughly cleaned. Then, the wavelength of the device is adjusted according to the type of process, and the application is performed with laser energy. Then, sunscreen or moisturizer is applied to the application area and the process is completed. All patients who had carbon peel with laser state that the treatment process went smoothly for them.

After carbon peel with Hollywood Spectra, the tone change, enlightenment and vitality on the skin begin to be felt within a few days. The initiation of collagen synthesis in the region takes approximately 3 weeks. If there are repetitive sessions, then the increase in skin quality will be much more pronounced. Although sunscreen or moisturizer is applied to the area, it is recommended that patients not be exposed to direct sunlight for 24 hours after the application.

Although the number of sessions in carbon peel applications varies according to the patient's condition, it is an average of 4-6 sessions. As the number of sessions increases, the effects begin to become a lot visible. So, how is the carbon peel price information and how are the session costs determined?

Price of Carbon Peeling Application

There are many factors that determine the price of carbon peel applications. For example, although carbon peel is priced according to the condition of the skin, the number of sessions to be applied and the duration of the session directly affect the price. For this price information, a doctor's control is required first. After the examination by the doctor, you can get detailed information about both the details of the treatment plan as well as the price.

The Hollywood Spectra device has brought a new breath to skin care with carbon peel all over the world. The fact that the application is both easy and fast has carried the carbon peel application with Hollywood Spectra to an ideal point, especially for people who cannot create much time from their business life. Moreover, like other medical aesthetic applications, anesthesia is not required and there is no scar after the application.

Of course, the whole process must be carried out in a clinical environment by expert and experienced teams. Yücel Sarıaltın provides service with high success rates with its expert staff and clinic equipped with new technologies. If you would like to get a detailed answer to the question of "how to do carbon peeling?" and discuss the price of a carbon peeling session, you can contact us right now.

Last Update : 22.10.2023