Depending on the thickness and type of the skin, nasolabial folds become prominent due to drooping of the cheekbones or sagging of the cheeks due to aging, and removal of these folds is only possible with nasolabial filler. Nasolabial folds can also occur due to genetic factors, facial anatomy, sleeping on the cheek, using the wrong pillow or choosing wrong sleeping positions. The nasolabial folds, which start from the edge of the nose and descend vertically to the edges of the lips, deepen over time, causing the face to look much older.
The tired and unhappy image created by nasolabial folds, also called laugh lines, can be transformed into an energetic and happy image with nasolabial filling applications. It is possible to have a much more beautiful smile with nasolabial filler, which is an effective method to fill the deep lines extending from the edge of the nose to the edge of the mouth. So what is nasolabial filler and how is it applied?
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Nasolabial filler is the process of filling the deep nasolabial folds starting from the wings of the nose and going down to the edge of the mouth with filling material and giving the face a much younger appearance. In the nasolabial filling application made using hyaluronic acid, the filling material is injected into different skin layers according to the depth of the lines on the skin. Thus, the skin gets a much more tense, lively and youthful appearance. Terminologically, this method, also called fine line filler, is considered the most effective method for removing nasolabial folds.
With nasolabial filler, deep lines that occur due to aging, genetic factors or environmental factors are removed and the patients' self confidence problems are eliminated, as the patients have a much more aesthetic face. Nasolabial filler is a painless, practical procedure with high success rates. If you would like to learn the details of the procedure and get information about before and after nasolabial filler, you can contact us and make an appointment right now.
All healthy women and men who have deep lines starting from the edges of the nose and go down to the edges of the lips and complain about this condition can have nasolabial filling application. In other words, nasolabial fillers can be applied to anyone, young or old, as long as there is no health condition that prevents the application. In addition, the nasolabial region is one of the earliest areas of the face that begins to sag. Therefore, intervening in the lines in this area at an early age both delays the signs of aging on the face and helps to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the face. In other words, it would be a much better move to intervene before the lines start to deepen.
Those who had nasolabial fillers in order to maintain the youthful appearance of the face gave positive feedback about the success of the application. This explains why the application is so popular in our country as well as all over the world. Of course, fine line filling should be done by experienced and reliable doctors. Thus, the risks of complications that may occur will be eliminated and patient satisfaction will increase.
Before the nasolabial filling, a specialist doctor examination is performed, and the amount of filling to be applied during this examination is determined, while the patients are informed in detail about the entire process. In this procedure, which is applied under local anesthesia, the skin is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. Then, with the help of a fine tipped needle, hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body itself, is injected. The most important part of the nasolabial filling application is to make a plan in order to analyze the face in depth and to create a symmetrical and aesthetic appearance on the face before the application.
Nasolabial filling is a procedure that takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Although the application is usually completed in a single session, a second session may be requested when necessary. Since it is applied under local anesthesia, no pain or ache is felt. After the application, the patients are informed about the nasolabial filler and the session is finalized. So how permanent is the nasolabial filler and when do its effects begin?
The filling process applied to people who complain about the lines on their face shows its effects immediately after the application. However, it may take up to 2 weeks for the hyaluronic acid applied during the nasolabial filling process to absorb water and completely set and give the final appearance. So how permanent is the nasolabial filler?
There are various factors that determine the duration of nasolabial filling. The patient's skin structure and the amount of filler applied are some of them. However, the duration of nasolabial filling effect is 9 to 18 months on average. Factors such as smoking and alcohol use also determine this period. So when does the nasolabial filler take effect and is a second session necessary?
If people who have nasolabial fillers are satisfied after the first application, they can take the second and third sessions with 6 months intervals. After 3 sessions, 1 application per year will be enough. Thus, the lines do not recur and the nasolabial filling application becomes permanent. In addition, in order to increase the success of the application, you should have information about what to do after nasolabial filling.
Side effects of nasolabial filler are extremely rare. Since it is a procedure applied with a needle, it is possible to see swelling or edema after nasolabial filling. Edema formation usually goes away on its own within a few days. In addition, nasolabial filling is a comfortable filling application. Patients can return to their daily life right after the application. Already the comments of those who have had nasolabial fillers prove this.
Since the area around the mouth is densely populated with blood vessels, it is considered normal to have redness or bruising following the filling procedure. In addition, the same thing can be said for hardness after nasolabial filling. Soft tissue lesion is a rare condition that develops after nasolabial filling. As a result, it is possible to say that there are no serious side effects in nasolabial filling, which is one of the medical aesthetic filling applications.
Although many questions such as "how many days does the nasolabial filling sit in" or "when does the nasolabial filling take effect" can be answered based on the above information, confusion may still exist on some issues. To clear this confusion, the following information will be useful:
Nasolabial filling, which is the most effective method for eliminating problems such as collapse of cheekbones and deepening of lines, can be applied safely with high success rates thanks to advanced health technologies.
Many factors, such as the amount of filler, skin structure, and the degree of deep lines on the face, determine the price of nasolabial fillers. For this reason, it is necessary to have a doctor's examination before nasolabial filling with hyaluronic acid, to decide on the application details and to determine the nasolabial filler price information accordingly. In addition, since nasolabial filling will eliminate the costs allocated to skin care products, it can be easily said that it is a method with economic gains. Of course, the first factor you should choose in nasolabial filling applications should not be the price, but the preference of a specialist doctor. Because the nasolabial filling applied by specialist doctors is at the highest level of patient satisfaction and there is no need for a second application.
Yücel Sarıaltın is one of the most reliable addresses you can choose for nasolabial fillers, with its expert and experienced staff and its clinic equipped with the latest products of health technologies. You can contact us now for detailed information.