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Arm Lift

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The sagging of the arm skin, which is the result of advancing age, may cause quite disturbing results. Because of aging, the arm skin loses its elasticity. However, the fat under the skin is reduced. This leads to sagging at the upper and lower sides of the arm up to the elbow. Generally, shortness of the arm skin which is disturbing people while wearing short-sleeved clothes, can be successfully removed with arm lift surgery in a short time. Because the cut is performed behind the arm area during surgery with no visible signs. Thus, people can have an aesthetic appearance without being certain from the outside they undergo arm tension surgery.

Number of Sessions :
1 Session
Operation Duration :
1 - 3 Hours
Season :
4 Seasons
Hospitalisation :
1 Night
Sensitisation Process :
3 - 7 Days
Return to Work Period :
1 - 3 Days
Anaesthesia :
General Anesthesia
Permanence of Results :

Before Arm Lift

People who are smoking should have stopped smoking at least two weeks ago before smoking. Drugs that are likely to cause bleeding before surgery should not be taken. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs may cause bleeding. Before the operation, people should always tell their doctors about the drugs they use and the operations they have undergone.

Who is Suitable for Arm Lift?

The determination of the extent to which the skin’s sagging thickness is considered when determining the patients suitable for arm lift. In some people, sagging may occur due to weight gain. In some cases, liposuction is often performed.

In some people, the abundance of skin is only recovered from the underarm and the procedure is completed. The operation of these people extends from the armpit to the elbow. It is possible to leave scar on the back of the arm after the procedure.

Arm lift is applied to peopel with advanced age, overweight and obesity. People who undergo surgery are usually over 40 years of age and may need to be treated in some cases. In some people, there is a tendency to become abundant in the arm. It is also possible to perform arm lift surgery at an early age.

How to Perform Arm Lift?

This operation is performed under local or general anesthesia in accordance with the patient’s condition and offers very successful results. The operation time is quite short, not more than 2 hours. The technique to be used in the operation lasting about one and a half or two hours is determined during the examination. The operation begins with an incision performed to the region, which is often from the armpit to the elbow.

After the recovery of the skin, the operation is completed with the suture process. People undergoing local anesthesia are discharged from the hospital on the same day. People undergoing surgery under general anesthesia are discharged one day after surgery. After being discharged, people should rest at home. The first days after the operation, elastic bandage should be used. As the stitching is performed with self-melting ropes in the operation, it is not necessary for people to take stitches.

arm lift

What are risks of Arm Lift?

The risks of arm lift may occur in the same way as all other surgical operations risks. These risks are rarely seen when the operation is performed in a health facility offering hygienic conditions. The incisions during the surgery are not seen easily because they are located behind the arm. Generally, people do not feel pain after surgery. If seen, these pains are mildly severe. These pains can usually be relieved with painkillers, but people should always consult their doctor before using any drugs.

What did they say?
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Elif Sena Kelleci

Er ist eine toller und einfühlsamer Arzt mit mega viel Erfahrung. Er nimmt sich super viel Zeit für die Beratung und hört einem genau zu. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin ist auch nach der Behandlung bei Fragen oder Unsicherheiten immer erreichbar. Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Mit meiner OP bin ich mehr als zufrieden. Ich habe eine Bauchdeckungstraffung machen lassen und eine Fettabsaugung. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin und sein Team waren immer für mich da! Danke an das ganze Team. Die Klinik und die Leitung durch den Arzt ist sehr kompetent und genau. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin hat alles was ein guter Arzt braucht und hat außerdem noch eine außerordentlich Top Persönlichkeit. Ich bin so glücklich dass ich diese Klinik gefunden habe. Kompliment in allerhöchster Form! Zuvorkommend, kompetent und höchst professionell. Mehr kann man nicht erwarten. Ich kann es jedem nur empfehlen!!

Devamını Oku
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Arzu Çolak

Ich wurde am 20.3.2021 vom Lieblingsarzt Dr. Yücel Sarialtin operiert. Sehr sympathisch sehr professionell. Der Aufenthalt im Krankenhaus sehr gut danke an alle 1 Woche später bin ich zurück nach Deutschland geflogen. Jede Woche bin ich mit der Assistentin Yagmur in Kontakt. Vor Ort und danach sogar jetzt noch kümmern sie sich sehr um mich. Was besseres konnte mir nicht passieren. Ich bin so froh und würde auch für die nächste OP wieder dahin fliegen. Bester Arzt ❤️ bestes Team❤️ Bis bald

Devamını Oku
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I got surgery one month ago. I had BBL and liposuction done. I can highly recommend the doctor and also his assistant Sevgi. She looked after me lovingly and was there for me at all times and always answered all my questions. I was in the hospital one night and was completely satisfied. Thank you for making this big step as pleasant as possible for me!

Devamını Oku
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Nouf Ali

I just want to thanq doctor yücel for the rhinoplasty surgery it was good and happy for the results and waiting for the last results.

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Niran Demetoğlu

Hello everyone I'm from Belgium I came to Turkey last week to do mummy Makeover with Dr.Yücel I am very satisfied from the service thank you all

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Ubeyd Celepci

Just came to Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın the second time and was completely amazed and stunned to see his great work!! I am extremely thankful!

Arm Lift Techniques

Arm lift technique is determined by doctor taking into consideration the patient’s condition. Only liposuction may be used in patients without skin excess. Liposuction can provide successful results for people with excess fat on the upper arm. Fat accumulation in areas with fat deposition in the arm can be removed.Skin is usually taken through the incision in the region which is started from under the arm and extends to the elbow. The area at which the incision extends is determined by the state of the sag. The operation is completed with the sewing process.

In some cases, arm tension surgery can be performed together. If there is a patient’s request, the patient’s breast sagging can be performed together with the arm lift after being determined by the doctor. After excessive weight loss of people, it is possible to see sagging in most parts of the body. The recovery of the sagging of the arm during the recovery of the breast will give the person aesthetic satisfactory results. General anesthesia is performed since surgery will be performed in two regions. It is not possible for people to feel any pain during surgery. The pain that can be seen after the surgery is mild enough to be eliminated with painkillers.

After Arm Lift

There is no harm in taking a shower two days after the operation. It should be noted that the arms are held above the heart level, especially in the first week. One month after the operation, people can do sports and exercise. However, people should be careful not to make any movements that will force the arm area. At least one and a half months of operation is required to perform activities requiring physical force.

The person may return to his daily life shortly after the operation. However, people should avoid activities that require physical force the arm area sports. It should not be forgotten that the region should be kept hygienic after the operation because of the infection. The person must protect the arm area against possible impacts and traumas. If any unexpected situation occurs, people should consult with their doctors without delay.

After surgery, swelling and bruises can be seen in the arm area. These swelling and bruises will spontaneously pass without any additional treatment. Therefore, people should not worry. However, it is possible to see the feeling of numbness in the region. This feeling does lasts about two weeks. People do not need to use any medication or cream due to swelling, bruising and numbness. People who have undergone surgery after the operation will be informed in detail about the operation.

Last Update : 13.06.2024