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What Should Be The Right Timing For Nose Job?

Those considering a nose job, also known as rhinoplasty, should plan this operation in advance; they need to give them time to do preoperative research, to choose a doctor and to heal after the operation. Most of those who want to have a rhinoplasty plan their operations in autumn or spring, considering the recovery period after the operation.

Although rhinoplasty is performed in approximately one to three hours, the healing process will be longer and harder. After the operation, you can return home only with the help of someone, and for a few days someone needs to take care of you. Oedema and bruises may appear on your face for about a week. But this can also vary depending on the patient’s body. The better the patient is taken care of, the sooner they will recover. After the operation, a person following the instructions and eating a balanced diet can recover in a short time and return to his active life.

Demand for rhinoplasty decreases in summer and winter months, where schools are usually on holiday. Those who want to take advantage of these seasons by going on a holiday usually prefer autumn and spring. During these seasons, following the nose job, you have to protect yourself from the sun rays until your nose is fully healed. In addition, your nose can recover until the holiday season and you can easily go back to the social environment.

A person who wants to have a rhinoplasty for a particular event needs to plan the operation a few months in advance. Because during this period, complications will improve and swelling and redness on the nose will subside.

Before deciding to have a rhinoplasty, it is necessary to think thoroughly and not act on a whim with unrealistic expectations. Because the result of rhinoplasty is permanent and it will be impossible to return to your original natural nose again. That’s why you should research before the operation, gather information and manage this process seriously without rushing your doctor choice.

Planning a nose job operation will be a very advantageous choice for you in winter or during colder seasons. In the winter months, social interaction is low and people tend to spend more time in their homes. Since the days are shorter and colder, you can easily rest and sleep at home. You can camouflage your face and hide oedema and bruises with hats, scarves and hooded clothes that you can easily use in the winter season. Since more time is spent indoors in winter, you have plenty of opportunities to rest.

Sunlight can cause pigmentation problems on your nose during the healing process, so following therhinoplastyyou should keep your nose away especially from sun rays. In the winter months, you can get over this process more easily and protect your nose from sun exposure.

While everyone is going on vacation in the summer, you do not want to spend the post-operative recovery process at home indoors. For this reason, an operation in winter will save you from boredom in hot weather. It will be more enjoyable to attend the invitations with your new look in the summer, which is also the wedding season. The winter months are more advantageous for patients to have a rhinoplasty, because they can find more time to rest at home. You can spend longer time at home by arranging your recovery period to public holidays.

Intensive seasons may vary for those working in different professions. In this case, it would be appropriate for the person to choose a less intense period that is most suitable for his operation. Sometimes it will be good to keep your rhinoplasty decision on hold: If you need to attend an important event or business meeting in a short time (within a few weeks), it will be useful to postpone your surgery date as you will not be able to recover in this process yet. If you think you can not spare yourself enough time for recovery after having a rhinoplasty, it will be better to postpone your operation until the best time.

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Last Update : 19.10.2023