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Things to Avoid After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Many women have more problems with deformations and abdominal sagging after having children or losing excessive weight. The tummy tuck is the best option for bodies that cannot provide the desired appearance despite an exercise program or diet. It is very easy to achieve a flat and tight abdomen with tummy tuck surgery. If you are considering having a tummy tuck operation, which gives fascinating results after its application, you may be wondering what awaits you in the postoperative period. You will have to avoid a few things after the Tummy Tuck procedure. Since you are going to have to adjust your schedule for a couple of weeks following the recovery process to help your body improve, it is important to know what exactly you should avoid.


Although you may be permitted to walk few days after the surgery, physical activity is generally risky after the operation and you should avoid activities that require considerable effort or burdens the abdominals for up to 6 weeks. You can check with your doctor to see if you can get back to your daily activities after this period. However, some light walking will help you to expedite the recovery process and facilitate the blood flow. So, keep that in mind.

People who have an infection and/or sickness

We know that you want to keep your risks of infection as low as you can. If you want to protect yourself from infections, you need to be careful about the people around you. Steer yourself away from anyone who has any sort of illness. Do this until your recovery is finished.  This is the best way to achieve perfect health after a Tummy tuck operation.

Drinking Alcohol or Smoking

You should not smoke after your Tummy Tuck Surgery. Smoking negatively affects the recovery process of your incisions as the nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict or narrow, which limits the amount of blood that flows inside of them.

Besides, there are also multiple reasons why you should drink alcohol after the Tummy Tuck. You should also not drink alcohol after your Tummy Tuck Surgery because alcohol does not mix well with the painkillers and it also decreases the effects of other medication you will be taking after the surgery. Most importantly, alcohol is a blood thinner which is the last thing you would want in the phase of recovery. You will need to consult with your doctor in order to know when when it is alright to relish your next glass of joy.

Choosing the Wrong Clothing

Clothing can be tricky after a Tummy Tuck. The swelling that occurs right after the operation can make it difficult for you to fit into certain clothes. It is usually best to wear loose, comfortable clothing for the first few weeks after Tummy Tuck Surgery. These types of clothes have critical importance to avoid irritating the incisions that need to heal. Just stick to loose and comfortable clothing during the first couple of weeks. Examples could be loose house dresses or loose pajamas and sweats. If you are going to be relaxing at home during the day, some loose pajamas will do the work just fine. If you don’t want it to be elastically engraved on your waist, you can try wearing a drape and loose house dress.


Doctors perform the Tummy Tuck surgery with general anesthesia, meaning you will be asleep during the procedure. So you won’t feel any pain during the operation. You will still be a little giddy after waking up, so you must not drive yourself home. Make sure you have a relative or friend around to give you a lift to your home. You should also not be driving for a while even after the dizziness wears off. You will have to wait until you are fully off your medication and your doctor gives you permission.

The recovery of Tummy Tuck takes about 6 to 8 weeks. After about 2 weeks, you can get back to your daily activities and work, but once the 6 weeks are up, you can most probably get back to your regular workouts and other activities.

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Last Update : 19.04.2023