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It is Possible to Capture Beauty in Details with Dimple Aesthetics

Dimples are small hollows (pits) on the skin that can be seen in different parts of the body.  There are two different types, temporary and permanent. Although the most common ones are on the cheeks, it can be seen almost anywhere on the body, on the shoulders, just above the hips and even in the back. The most common area after cheeks is the chin. While some people may complain of dimples in certain parts of their body, dimples in the cheek, chin and waist area are seen as a sign of beauty and attractiveness and are aesthetically pleasing.

How Is a Dimple Created?

In fact dimples, wherever they are found in the body, occur due to deformity in the muscle or connective tissue in that area. The dimple pit is seen equally in women and men. The reason for its occurrence is that there is an irregular growth in a muscle on the face during embryonic development. While the facial muscle, which is responsible for pulling the lips up from the edges during the smile, is divided into two, a tiny pit is formed between these two parts, covered with cheek skin. Therefore, even though it is considered a genetic deformity, when a person with a dimple stretches his face and cheek muscles to laugh, impressive pits appear. Dimples on the cheek occur due to genetic factors. If there is a dimple found in one of the parents, the probability of the child having a dimple is 25-50%, while it is between 50-100% if both parents have it. In some cases where either parents don’t have dimples on their cheeks, there is a possibility of its occurrence in their children.

The formation of the chin dimple, which is another type of dimple seen in facial area, has nothing to do with the muscles. Chin dimple occurs due to incomplete fusion of the two halves of the jaw bones. This deformity occurs during embryonic development as in the other. Just like the cheek dimples, the skin covers this atypical structure and a cute pit is formed under it. The dimple pits which does not have any negative effect on human health are welcomed sympathetically and sometimes attractive in most cultures. Dimples, especially ones on the face and on the upper part of the hips, add attraction to the person.  Dimple, as a universal beauty standard, gives a characteristic feature to the faces while softening the facial expression. Even in some societies dimple is believed to bring luck and is also called the angel touch. Although lucky people are born with this aesthetic advantage, it is also possible to create dimples surgically for those who want to have one. 

What is Dimple Aesthetics ? To Where Is It Applied?

The most common types of dimples created by aesthetic procedures are the cheek dimple or the back dimple which is also known as Venus dimple. Surgeon Dr. Yucel Sarıaltın performs the facial dimple operation in 15-30 minutes on average without touching the muscles but only with the help of the fats found in cheeks with the technique he developed. The duration of the transaction varies according to the number of the dimples to be created. Local anesthesia is applied during the dimple operation.

Before the operation, where the dimple will be made is determined and marked. After waiting for a short while following the local anesthesia dimple aesthetic surgery is performed with the help of stitches entered through the mouth from the marked area. The person who having the dimple aesthetic practice can continue his/her routine life immediately after the operation.

Another type dimple that people find attractive is Venus dimple also called back dimple pits. This dimple that occurs by itself in some people are the pits symmetrically located just below the waist region, 6 to 8 cm away from each other. Back dimple is an innate feature in people and those who want to have a back dimple, just like it is with cheek dimple, can have it with an aesthetic touch. Made in an average of 20 minutes back dimple aesthetics is applied by thinning the subcutaneous tissue in the back area with the help of local anesthesia. After this very short procedure, the patient is discharged on the same day with the desired dimple look.

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Last Update : 19.04.2023